Principles for Investment in Sustainable Wild-Caught Fisheries

Although billions of public and private dollars are invested in fisheries every year, more often than not, sustainability is neither the driver nor the intended outcome of those investment dollars. These Principles are focused on changing that dynamic.
Launched at the World Ocean Summit 2018, the Principles are designed to provide investors with certainty about the specific challenges and enabling conditions in wild-caught fisheries, while also generating confidence that building environmental and social sustainability into fisheries will yield a strong return on their investment.
The Principles cover everything from data-poor fisheries to human rights to food security. They align with IFC Performance Standards and UN Principles of Responsible Investment and are designed to advance the goals of the UN SDGs.
The Founding Adopters and Endorsers signed on several years ago, and continue to encourage you to understand, share and use these Principles. Together, we can put capital to work for more sustainable fisheries.


Steering Committee
- David Barley and Simon Dent, Althelia Ecosphere
- John Tobin, Cornell University
- Fabian Huwyler, Credit Suisse
- Jane Feehan, European Investment Bank
- Maureen Geesey, The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- Serge Mayaka, Impact Capitalyst
- Teresa Ish, The Walton Family Foundation
- Melissa Wright, Bloomberg Philanthropies
- Jack Kittinger and Jan Yoshioka, Conservation International
- Meg Caldwell, The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
- Leah Karrer, The Global Environment Facility
- Natasha Garcha, IIX
- Larry Band, Pine Creek Consulting
- Miguel Jorge, World Bank
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Encourage Capital
- Rare/Meloy Fund