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About the Toolkit
The Climate-Resilient Fisheries Toolkit is a comprehensive set of resources for supporting sustainable, resilient fisheries and fishing communities. Whether you are a fishery manager, fisher or other stakeholder, the Toolkit can help you understand the challenges, opportunities, drivers and dynamics in your fishery system and develop solutions based on best practices from fisheries around the world.
The tools in this Toolkit reflect the expertise and experiences of thousands of practitioners from dozens of countries. EDF's Fishery Solutions Center and partners have synthesized best practices and approaches into the user-friendly tools in this Toolkit. The tools reflect common steps and approaches EDF and partners have taken in our work in fisheries around the world. The tools are free to use, and we invite you to share your experiences applying them.
Tools by the numbers
Project Phases
The Toolkit is organized by phases, which serve as a roadmap for fishery reform. The phases describe the general steps typically taken over the course of the fishery reform process. The phases are generally sequential, but your fishery reform process may begin at any point, or you may be working to address multiple phases at once. You can access and use the Toolkit no matter what phase your fishery is in.