CRF Planning Process

What does it do?

The Climate-Resilient Fisheries Planning Tool guides users through a six-step process to assess their fishery’s climate resilience and identify approaches and priority actions to help build resilience in their fishery.

How does it work?

The tool allows stakeholders to work collaboratively to build a shared understanding of the resilience of their fishery across human and ecological dimensions. After working together to define the scope and scale of the fishery they'd like to investigate, users are able to utilize a series of guided questions and scoring worksheets to define shared goals, understand which impacts from climate change the fishery faces, examine the current status of various resilience attributes, explore actions that could help bolster these attributes, and to prioritize actions for future implementation. In addition, a diversity of case studies highlighting the experiences of fisheries around the world in building resilience to climate change are made available on the tool's website, and can offer the user additional inspiration and insight in the process. 

How can it help you?

With this tool, fishery stakeholders can work collaboratively to: 

  • Learn more about the experiences of fisheries around the world in building resilience to climate change
  • Specify the scope of the fishery to be examined
  • Define long term goals
  • Identify climate impacts and stressors on the fishery
  • Evaluate the presence of a broad set of resilience attributes
  • Brainstorm potential actions to build greater resilience in socio-economic, governance, and ecological systems
  • Identify and prioritize actions for implementation to strengthen resilience holistically

Go to the CRF Planning Tool

Resource Downloads

Files Description Format
Paper - Attributes of climate resilience in fisheries - From theory to practice A publication outlining attributes of climate resilience in marine fishery systems with definitions and examples pdf Download
Paper - Diverse pathways for climate resilience in marine fishery systems A publication on pathways for climate resilience in marine fishery systems using the CRF Planning tool applied in 18 case studies pdf Download


The Climate-Resilient Fisheries Planning Tool is a product of the Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) Climate-Resilient Fisheries Working Group. SNAPP was founded in 2013 to develop evidence-based, scalable solutions for global challenges affecting nature conservation, sustainable development, and human well-being.

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