Scientific assessment is one of the keys to sustainable fisheries management. Yet the vast majority of the world’s fisheries lack scientific assessments or management guidance, resulting in uncertainty and risk of decline and collapse. Managers and decision makers may also be reluctant to take action due to limited data or information about the fishery. Now, as climate change alters ocean conditions across the globe, scientific assessment and timely decision-making are more critical than ever.

You can learn more about science and data in fisheries management through our additional learning resources.

Regardless of how much fishery data is available in your context, EDF has a suite of tools to help you use the best available information to assess the health of ecosystems and fish stocks, develop management priorities and implement adaptive and climate-resilient forms of management.

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Due to the complexity of data-limited stock assessments, EDF has developed FISHE, an eleven-step framework that produces rapid, adaptive and precautionary management guidance to help make use of the growing number of assessment methods. This framework is designed to help ease the intricate assessment process by combining multiple methods (and their various data requirements) into a structured step-by-step process. The information produced via the assessment models found in this integrated framework can serve as the scientific basis for managing data-limited fisheries. 

Learn more about FISHE